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Showing posts with label #Universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Universe. Show all posts

Saturday, 2 October 2021

When was the universe created?

 When was the universe created?

Man of old believed that the universe has always been and always will be. Gradually, ideas about the universe changed. One idea is that the universe came into being fifteen billion years ago as a result of an explosion, while another idea is that the universe had no beginning and no end. According to one theory, the universe goes through two different states over and over again. That is, sometimes this sector does not start and then begins to spread, but it is completed in several billion years. According to this theory, we are living in an age of expansion of the universe. This period of expansion will continue for about three billion years. The most famous theory about the beginning of the universe is the "Big Bang". According to this theory, fifteen billion years ago today, an explosion occurred due to a very small amount of matter. The sudden eruption of this small amount created a rapidly expanding universe. Because of this explosion, the universe is still expanding. After this explosion, all the galaxies, stars, planets, system city, matter, energy, light and time were created in the universe. In the beginning the universe was very hot but gradually this heat decreased