How is the planet divided into working hours?
The international measure of time is seconds. All over the world, time is born from this unit. Time measurement
This is done by moving the earth around its own orbit. The earth completes its orbit around its orbit and in front of the sun in one day, so when the sun is rising on one part of the planet, the sunset is on the other side. That is why time varies in different parts of the world. To find out the difference in time, the planet was divided into different time zones. It was very difficult to find the exact time in a single region before dividing the time zones. An international conference was held in Washington, D.C., in 1884 to address this problem. In this conference, with the advice of experts, the planet was divided into 24 different regions. The time difference between one canal area and another was fixed at one hour. Thus 24 areas were divided for 24 hours. However, the center of standard time was located at Ger Munich in London, the capital of the United Kingdom. There are many countries whose geography falls in the same region at the same time, but there are also a few countries whose geography falls in several regions at the same time, such as Russia, China and the United States.