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Sunday, 3 October 2021

When did you find out that the world is round?

 When did you find out that the world is round?

For centuries man has believed that the world is flat. Man thought that if he walked in line with his nose, the end of the earth would come and he would fall. However, deep skepticism was expressed over the idea. In 1519, a Portuguese tourist and sailor, Ron Ferdinand Melanin, set sail on a voyage with five ships and 237 people on board. His destination was the African coast. During this voyage, one of his ships sank while the other broke down. Turning round from the African coast, he left for South America. He has had to make enormous sacrifices in this journey. Moving on from South America, he reached the Philippines, where his return journey began, and in 1522 he returned to Portugal. One of his companions, Aftolio, saw the story of this journey, which is called "The Story of the First Round the World". Thus, for the first time, this journey proved that the world is indeed round.